Social Living is a social enterprise that generates employment opportunities as part of the circular economyand provides affordable bedding and furniture options to social housing customers through a manufacturing, takeback and recycling system.


body text Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio, cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

‘We say we are in a niche market. In reality, we are in a market that is too complex for the commercial players – it’s demanding and not profitable enough. We know the job, and we care about the planet and the people.’

Ben, Founder - Social Living

Our Values

Simple : Less is more

Our products are easy to acquire, easy to assemble, easy to use. No tools required.

Simple : Less is more

Our products are easy to acquire, easy to assemble, easy to use. No tools required.

Sustainable :
Considering the environment

We produce furniture that reduce waste and the cost of repairs. Our materials are ethically sourced. Our products do not contain toxic chemicals. They come in minimalist packaging and have interchangeable aspects.

Simple :
Helping people out

Our products are easy to acquire, easy to assemble, easy to use. No tools required.


Everyone deserves a comfortable and sustainable place to feel at home.


We work closely with social housing and charitable organisations to provide affordable and fully recyclable mattresses & furniture. We use innovative materials and circular design principles to eliminate waste. We create job opportunities in manufacturing through our supportive transitional work program.

How it works

Our impact

Our impact can be measured through our three main offerings


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